Sourdough Bread, no yeast, the easier way

Andrew Ho
3 min readJun 25, 2022


Easy, but not ready to bake until the next morning.

  1. 50g flour, 350g boiling water — put together in mixing bowel (mixing is optional — makes no difference) — this makes the roux, which is cooked flour-mix in water

2. add to the same mixing bowel: 50g butter, 75g suger (optional, adjust as desired), 6g salt (highly recommended, adjust as desired), 650–700g flour (slightly sticky if use 650g)

3. add small ball of dough from previous batch (as starter), if available. use of starter cuts rise time by about half. Ready to bake the next morning.

4. mix and form into single dough ball, cover and keep warm (if possible, makes for easier rise)

dough ball after mixing and hand-forming

5. depending on temperature, will take 24–48 hours to rise

6. save thumb-sized ball of dough for next batch (about 1–2 inch diameter). Keep in refrigerator (covered so it does not dry up) or in freezer

7. divide dough in half, each half will make a small loaf

8. put into bottom-oiled pans

9. bake 350 degrees for 35 minutes, with hot water bath underneath

10. variations

Cheese bread, added 100g shredded cheese

Sour Dough Baguette

Walnut raisin bread, add 70g raisin, 70g walnut, 25g molasses



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