Joy of Picking One Donut

Andrew Ho
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Deciding to get donuts is not as hard as deciding how many to get.

Most people feel pretty certain that they want to live. In terms of how and how long, as the popular saying goes, life becomes more complicated. I discovered a simpler answer when I went to the local donut shop this morning.

I have never in my entire life bought just one donut at the donut shop.

Maybe the best deal for the money is the baker’s dozen? Maybe it was because I was younger, of course I was. but there is a deeper reason:

Buying a dozen means I don’t have to think as hard — I tell myself I will share the donuts with family, friends, or coworkers. Somewhere in there my own reason for going to the donut shop is forgotten.

Afterall, who really needs donuts? My family, friends, coworkers are well-nurished and have never asked me to get donuts for them.

If I don’t buy a dozen, how many should I get?

For the first time in my life, I decided to just buy one donut. Because I am the one who wanted to have a donut and it is not fair for me to spread my guilt by dragging my family and friends into it.

Actually picking out the one donut was even more challenging. There are so many I know I will enjoy. In the end, I cannot hold up the line too long and chose my one donut.

Life becomes complicated we use guilt and excuses to avoid facing our own reasons for wanting to live another day. Going to the donut store to get a donut for the simple reason of enjoying the exceptional texture and sweet flavors is the honest way to live.

Why does life have to be more complicated than that?



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